Cosmic Events & Essential Oils
The celestial spectacle of the recent solar eclipse, followed closely by the radiance of the Pink Moon, has certainly stirred the energetic pot this month. These transformations in our night sky can profoundly influence our physical, emotional, and spiritual realms. During these cosmic events, energies are heightened, and it’s common to seek grounding and balance amidst the swirling celestial currents. Fortunately, Young Living Essential oils can play a pivotal role in aiding us to navigate these shifts with grace and resilience.

Here are some oils to help us navigate these emotional shifts in our world:

YL Frankincense & Sacred Frankincense – both singles are known for their purifying and spiritually uplifting properties and can be a beacon during times of cosmic upheaval.
From enhancing meditation and deepening spiritual connection, they assist us in aligning with the universe’s shifting energies.

YL Lavender oil – this oil can be a steadfast ally as the energies shift and intensify, due to its calming properties to soothe the nervous system, promote peaceful sleep, and offer a serene oasis amidst any emotional storms. It is definitely one of my favorite’s.

YL Cedarwood oil – this single has a very grounding aroma and can be your anchor to the earth’s stable energies during turbulent times. It supports emotional fortitude and helps to foster a sense of inner strength and resilience.

YL Peppermint oil – this oil offers a refreshing and invigorating scent and can clear the mind and promote mental alertness. It’s especially beneficial when we need to adapt to new energy flows and maintain clarity of thought.

YL Sage oil – This is known for its cleansing properties and can help clear away any negative energies that may cling during periods of significant celestial activity. It aids in purifying our spaces and our auras, allowing positive energies to flow more freely.

Incorporating Oils into Your Routine
Ways to integrate these oils into your daily routine during this time of energetic shifts:

1. Diffusion: Start and end your day by diffusing a blend of these essential oils in your living space. It sets a balanced tone for your day and creates a peaceful atmosphere for relaxation and reflection.

2. Topical Application: Create a dilution of your chosen oil with a carrier oil and apply it to pulse points. It’s a tangible way to carry the oil’s grounding energies with you throughout the day.

3. Meditative Practice: Incorporate oils into your meditation or yoga practice by anointing your third eye, wrists, or diffusing in your practice space. It can help deepen your spiritual connection and awareness of the cosmic energies at play.

4. Bath Ritual: Add a few drops of Lavender or Frankincense oil to your evening bath. It’s a perfect way to unwind, release any accumulated energies, and align yourself with the universe’s rhythm.

This time of celestial and planetary change can be a period of transformation and opportunity. By embracing these shifts with open hearts and minds, and with the aid of Young Living essential oils, we can navigate the changes with ease and emerge more aligned and rejuvenated.

Invite these natural gifts into your life and let them guide you through the cosmic dance of the planetary, towards balance, harmony, and growth.

Wishing you balance, joy and transformation!

If you have questions or would like guidance please give me a call and we can set up a time to discuss your personal goals and concerns.

My joy and passion is helping others look and feel great naturally and have worked exclusively with Aromatherapy and Essential Oils for over twenty years. If you are interested more wellness in your life, or in creating another income stream sharing with others, I am happy to assist you with that!

If you have any questions, please call me at 505-250-3089 until 8pm EST for assistance or you can email me as well, Click Here.

In gratitude,



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